Paulista is the adjective to people who are from São Paulo State (like New Yorkers are people from New York and Californians are people from California, etc.).
A Av. Paulista foi originalmente fundada no final do século XIX para abrigar as moradias dos antigos barões do café. Então, é um lugar de alto nível desde sua fundanção.
Paulista Ave. was originally founded in the end of the XIX century to hold the ancient coffee barons houses. So that, it's been a high leveled place since its foundation.
A Av. Paulista foi originalmente fundada no final do século XIX para abrigar as moradias dos antigos barões do café. Então, é um lugar de alto nível desde sua fundanção.
Paulista Ave. was originally founded in the end of the XIX century to hold the ancient coffee barons houses. So that, it's been a high leveled place since its foundation.
Exemplos de típica casa de elite, remanescentes na Av. Paulista.
Tipical rural aristocracy house, remaining at Paulista Ave.
Tipical rural aristocracy house, remaining at Paulista Ave.
Outrora, as atividades comerciais centravam-se no centro da cidade, na parte da Sé (veja postagens Praça da Sé, Sé-Anhagabaú, Anhangabaú). Então, em meados do século XX, as novas construções e a pujança comercial foi sendo transferida para a parte oeste do centro, a oeste da Sé (veja postagens Av. Ipiranga, Av. São Luís) e a Sé caracterizou o Centro Velho. Todavia, nos anos 80, este centro também se tornou parte do Centro Velho e o centro econômico da cidade transferiu-se definitivamente para a zona sul (sudoeste), para a Av. Paulista, que já vinha perdendo seu caráter residencial para os casarões darem lugar aos prédios comerciais das mais variadas e arrojadas arquiteturas, abusando do concreto armado e do vidro.
Before, the commercial activities were centered in downtown, at Sé (see Sé square, Sé-Anhagabaú, Anhangabaú posts). So that, in the middle of the XX century, the new constructions and the commercial force started being transfered, from downtown, westwards (see Ipiranga Ave., São Luís Ave. posts) and Sé since them holds the Old Downtown. However, in the 80's, this downtown turned into part of the Old Downtown and the city's Financial Downtown has been trasnferred at once to the South side (southwest), to Paulista Ave., which had been losing its residential character to the great houses make room to the most varied and fancy architecture commercial buildings, abusing on the reinforced concrete and glass.
Before, the commercial activities were centered in downtown, at Sé (see Sé square, Sé-Anhagabaú, Anhangabaú posts). So that, in the middle of the XX century, the new constructions and the commercial force started being transfered, from downtown, westwards (see Ipiranga Ave., São Luís Ave. posts) and Sé since them holds the Old Downtown. However, in the 80's, this downtown turned into part of the Old Downtown and the city's Financial Downtown has been trasnferred at once to the South side (southwest), to Paulista Ave., which had been losing its residential character to the great houses make room to the most varied and fancy architecture commercial buildings, abusing on the reinforced concrete and glass.
Edifício Conjunto Nacional - observe como a fachada é larga
'National Building' - notice what a wide 'façade'
'National Building' - notice what a wide 'façade'
Consulado da Itália no Brasil (note as bandeiras da Itália e da União Europeia), na Av. Paulista
Italian Consulate in Brazil (notice the Italian and UE's flags), at Paulista Ave.
Italian Consulate in Brazil (notice the Italian and UE's flags), at Paulista Ave.
Bandeira do Brasil na Av. Paulista
Brazilian flag making its presence at Paulista Ave.
Brazilian flag making its presence at Paulista Ave.
Edifício Salem(branco, esquerda) e Prédio do Citibank
Salem building (white, left) and Citibank building
Salem building (white, left) and Citibank building
Para a Av. Paulista, por conseguinte, se transferiu o epicentro cultural da cidade. Lá fica o MASP (Museu de Arte de São Paulo), fundado na segunda metade do século XX por Assis Chateaubriand. Com audaciosa arquitetura, note que só os dois pilares vermelhos das extremidades sustentam todo o prédio, criando o único vão livre da Avenida, ou seja, o prédio não tem qualquer pilar sob ele - e eu suspeito que pelo conceito de engenharia da 'esbeltez' (que para distâncias em fios e vãos de mais de 30m cria-se naturalmente com o tempo um declive em direção ao centro) o prédio esteja envergando para o meio (se você passar lá preste bem atenção).
So that, it's been transferred to Paulista Ave. the cultural center as well. At Paulista Ave. lays MASP (Art Museum of São Paulo), founded in the second half of the XX century by Assis Chateaubriand. Counting on an audatious architecture, notice that only the two red columns in the extremities sustain the whole building, creating the unique free view space, ground-level, in the avenue, i.e., the construction doesn't count on any column underneath - and I suspect, relying on engeneering concepts (in which for more than 30 meters distances, as the time goes by, the material naturally lays more to the middle, etc) the building's floor is laying more to the center.
So that, it's been transferred to Paulista Ave. the cultural center as well. At Paulista Ave. lays MASP (Art Museum of São Paulo), founded in the second half of the XX century by Assis Chateaubriand. Counting on an audatious architecture, notice that only the two red columns in the extremities sustain the whole building, creating the unique free view space, ground-level, in the avenue, i.e., the construction doesn't count on any column underneath - and I suspect, relying on engeneering concepts (in which for more than 30 meters distances, as the time goes by, the material naturally lays more to the middle, etc) the building's floor is laying more to the center.
Vaca de fibra na calçada, à cópia da ideia original da Holanda
Fiber cow in the sidewalk (copying the originals from Holland)
Fiber cow in the sidewalk (copying the originals from Holland)
Em frente ao MASP há o Parque Trianon, com um pedaço da Mata Atlântica remanescente (floresta semi-tropical de altitude, da qual menos de 10% remanesce dada a grande ocupação do país no planalto não distante da costa, como no caso da cidade de São Paulo). Isso porque a cidade de São Paulo não é na praia, mas a menos de 100 km dela, seguindo o exemplo das grandes capitais europeias (como Londres e Paris). Não preciso nem dizer que apesar de bem iluminado, com um posto policial na frente e etc. NÃO é recomendado um passeio em um parque cheio de árvores à noite!
Trianon park is across from MASP, holding a small piece from the Attlantic Coast Brazilian rainforest (higher level rainforest, to São Paulo's climate which can hold tempered and warm climate plants, transition system. Less than 10% of it remains because of the great occupation in this country in the high plans not far from coast, as it's São Paulo's case, which lays less than 50 miles from the coast, like London and Paris' cases). No need to say that, despite well illuminated, with police officers in front of it, etc., it SO is not recommeneded a walk at the park at night!
Passa por baixo de toda a extensão da Avenida Paulista a linha 3-verde do metrô, ligada com a linha 1-azul (Norte-Sul) no início da avenida, próximo à Rua Paraíso e agora à nova linha 4-amarela do metrô, no final da avenida, na Rua da Consolação, com os novos metrôs automáticos que não têm condutor (e muito bonitos por sinal, pelos passeios que dei neles). Além disso, muitas linhas de ônibus passam por lá. Por isso, o trânsito é horrível por volta das 9h da manhã e entre às 17h e 19h (isso pode ser pior, como todo o trânsito em São Paulo, sempre pode estar pior, é imprevisível; e, lembrando, nem queira ver nesse horário como é o metrô mais lotado do mundo). Se não for nos 'horários mais lotados do mundo', vá de metrô porque o estacionamento nas redondezas costuma ser caro.
Under Paulista Ave. there's the Subway, Line-3 green, connected to the Line-1 Blue in the beginning of the Ave, next to Paraíso (sth like 'Paradise') street and recently also to the new Line-4 yellow, at the end of the Ave., at Consolação street (sth like 'Consolation'), with the new automatic trains that don't need human control inside (very beautiful trains btw, personal experience). Other than that, a lot of buses serve the region. That's why the traffic is usually jammed (as it's a rule to the city) around 9 a.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m. not to mention the most crowded subway in the world (yeah, we're superating India and China in this unhappy criterium). Basically, don't go in the jammed times of the day, and if only for a walk, go by subway, because the parking lots use to be expensive there around.
Under Paulista Ave. there's the Subway, Line-3 green, connected to the Line-1 Blue in the beginning of the Ave, next to Paraíso (sth like 'Paradise') street and recently also to the new Line-4 yellow, at the end of the Ave., at Consolação street (sth like 'Consolation'), with the new automatic trains that don't need human control inside (very beautiful trains btw, personal experience). Other than that, a lot of buses serve the region. That's why the traffic is usually jammed (as it's a rule to the city) around 9 a.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m. not to mention the most crowded subway in the world (yeah, we're superating India and China in this unhappy criterium). Basically, don't go in the jammed times of the day, and if only for a walk, go by subway, because the parking lots use to be expensive there around.
The Avenue region shelters, other than A LOT of office buildings and stores, also quite some Court and bureaucracy buildings.
Kctt meu muito bom mesmo.... e essa vaquinha ai em cima.???/ rsrsrsrrsrsrs não acredito que ainda está sendo exposto esse trablho apúi no centro... axo que vo da uma passa da pra dar uma olhadinha... muito boas as suas fotossss..
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